A record number of 94 attended the club’s major function when Scotland’s National Cricket Coach, Shane Burger, just back from the World T20 Qualifier in Dubai was the Principal guest and took part in a very informative Q&A session with Club Vice-President Greg Bissett and presented the club’s award winners for the season with their trophies. He was accompanied by Scotland Assistant Coach Grant Morgan and both readily engaged in conversation with members present.

The winners were:
1s batting – Ben Wilkinson 510 runs (ave 23.2)
1s bowling – Greg Ruthven 22 wkts (ave 13.3)
2s batting – Darcy Morgan 128 runs (ave 21.3)
2s bowling – Rohan Kapoor 13 wkts (ave 17.3)
3s batting – Vic Coltherd 241 runs (ave 24.1)
3s bowling – Yathish Chandrashekar 18 wkts (ave 8.9)
4s batting – Jim McLaren 137 runs (ave 27.4)
4s bowling – Sameer Tej 16 wkts (ave 9.3).
Colts prize – Catherine Holland.
Pentland Throw Ball – Euan Robertson, 3rd XI captain
The CS Women’s Cricket Premiership Trophy was also presented to Katherine Fraser and Catherine Holland of the Champion combo from Edinburgh South and Stew Mel.